480x240 - Everybody knows walt disney, a person who invented many cartoon characters such as donald duck and pluto.
Original Resolution: 480x240 Kids Who Grew Up Without Cable Can Name These Cartoons The flintstones was the first tv cartoon in colour. 660x448 - 1 chat show 2 cartoon 3 quiz show 4 police drama 5 comedy programme 6 western 7 news 8 nature programme 9 romcom 10 music programme 11 weather forecast 12 soap opera 13 sports programme 14 film.
Original Resolution: 660x448 Why Steven Universe Waves The Flag For Lgbt Representation In Children S Tv Iconic british children's animated series set in the fictional, picturesque village of the title. 500x333 - A children's tv series in which each episode is centred around a different letter of the alphabet.the old bloke who owns the shop rummages around to find things in the junk that start with that letter.
Original Resolution: 500x333 Kids Who Grew Up Without Cable Can Name These Cartoons For many years, cartoon network has had shows with lgbtq representation, although it is not until recently that some critics called the episode one of the queerest episodes of a children's cartoon in the history of a few shows aired on cartoon network in the 2000s which had lgbtq representation.